How We’re Coping with Webchutney from Home

Dentsu Webchutney
3 min readMar 27, 2020

Recently, Gautam shared his thoughts on the changes wrought by COVID-19 on our business. As much as the word disruption now has a fabled meaning in our society, propelled as a net positive, the disruption in our worlds in this case has been unprecedented in scope. Our people have come out shining in maintaining continuity.

But there’s more to what society is going through than business as usual. The lockdown is real, but we’re looking for keys to break away from the lack-of-physical presence—a factor that so often makes the difference in our work. With that mind, we are lucky. Our colleagues have been using the time to learn, share, and go through this together. We’re inspired, and find meaning in their highly personal displays of expression.

Over the next few days & weeks, we expect to update this post with new features and work, as Webchutney From Home is afoot. So far:

This story is always being updated. Until then remember to:

Edit #1: 30/03/2020; Edit #2: 03/04/2020; Edit #3: 14/04/2020

