Now Streaming: Our First-Ever Brand Films

Dentsu Webchutney
2 min readMar 19, 2021

Two days ago, we hired Dentsu Webchutney as our agency after a two-year pitch process. And yesterday, they launched their pitch creatives as our first brand films.

Both, us, Webchutney (the agency) and Webchutney (the client) anticipated a bitter-sweet reaction, but least to say we’re overwhelmed by the love showered upon us, and are all set for the production of our next series. (Just kidding, don’t tell our client we said that.)

We received reviews within hours, one such that got us ROFL-ing, literally was this press review by Business Insider.

But all said and done, we were bombarded with some hilarious reactions on our social handles, and we just have to share them.

Our LinkedIn comment session was on 🔥🔥🔥.

Anyway, to save you some time figuring out what to binge on this Friday evening, we have all our Minisodes in one place.

Love them? Credit us. Hate them? Blame our agency. All 14 episodes, now streaming in a handy list right here:

What does an Art person do exactly? 🤔
“Sorry for the ear-tearing decibels” — Pooja Manek playing Pooja Manek
That eye-roll at 00:47 tho 😆
But the real question is: did the meeting get pushed?
Please Find meaning Attached.
*cries in copywriter* Minisode №8 starring Angad
Webchutney (the client): Option 1, 2, and 3 for this ending are GTG. Webchutney (the agency): erm… sure.
5… 4… 3… 2… 1 — caption appears —
In need of some not-so-serious-sounding names for Ishtaarth.
Cc: Ryan Reynolds, Michael Bay, @KFC …and, uh, Bay of Bengal?
Petition to introduce chitchats in timesheets 🙃
Fyi, this is a lie. We’re not over Cannes Lions. Never will be 😬

We think we made the right choice by handing our creative mandate over to Dentsu Webchutney. What do you think?

Stay tuned for more from Dentsu Webchutney on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

